梅木 健一


航空宇宙保険部長 兼 ブローカー営業室長

1993年慶應義塾大学を卒業後、旧安田火災海上保険株式会社(現損害保険ジャパン株式会社)に入社。本店営業部にて主に製薬業界や石油業界のグローバル企業を担当した後、2009年に日本損害保険協会へ出向。同協会総合企画部にて協会長補佐業務を行いつつ、損害保険業界の発展に向けた業務品質向上、基盤整備などの事業に従事。その後、当社経営企画部において事業計画の策定・進捗管理、事業費戦略の構築・管理、危機対策、損害保険ジャパン株式会社と日本興亜損害保険株式会社の合併・統合対応等を担当。2015年に海外現地法人Sompo Seguros S.A.(ブラジル)に出向し、同社の経営戦略・企画を所管する取締役としてグループ海外事業の拡大を牽引。2019年4月に帰国後、航空宇宙保険部長兼ブローカー営業室長として着任。宇宙・航空産業の企業に向けたリスクマネジメント・ソリューション提案や共創ビジネス構築などを統括。

Kenichi Umeki

General Manager, Aviation & Aerospace Department General Manager, International Brokers Business Department

Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.

After graduating from Keio University in 1993, Kenichi Umeki joined the former Yasuda Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. (currently Sompo Japan Insurance Inc., hereinafter “Sompo Japan”). After spending 16 years mainly in Corporate Marketing Dept. covering the energy sector, he was seconded to the General Insurance Association of Japan in 2009, where he supported Chairman in projects to improve business quality and infrastructure of the P&C insurance industry. In 2010, he was transferred to Sompo Japan’s Corporate Planning Dept., where he was responsible for business planning and management, expense planning and management, crisis management, and merger of Sompo Japan and Nipponkoa Insurance Co., Ltd. In 2015, he was transferred to Sompo Seguros S.A. (overseas subsidiary in Brazil), where he served as a director in charge of the company's corporate strategy and planning, and led the expansion of the group's overseas business in Brazil. After returning to Japan in April 2019, he took over the General Manager of Aviation & Aerospace Dept. and International Brokers Business Dept. positions, where he currently is responsible for providing risk management solutions to companies in aviation, aerospace and space industries, and forming collaborations with space-related companies.