株式会社Pale Blue
東京大学卒、同大学院工学系研究科航空宇宙工学専攻修了。博士(工学)。宇宙推進工学を専門とし、大学院在学中に世界初の小型深宇宙探査機PROCYONや、水推進機実証衛星AQT-D、今年度にNASAのロケットで打上げ予定の超小型深宇宙探査機EQUULEUS等、数々の小型衛星・探査機プロジェクトに従事。東京大学総長賞や日本航空宇宙学会 優秀発表賞、国際電気推進学会最優秀論文賞、MIT テクノロジーレビュー「Innovators Under 35 Japan 2020」等を受賞。同大学院新領域創成科学研究科特任助教を経て、2020年に株式会社Pale Blueを創業し、代表取締役に就任。水を推進剤として用いた小型衛星用推進機を社会実装することで、宇宙空間における新たなモビリティインフラの構築を目指す。
Pale Blue Inc.
Graduated from the University of Tokyo, and received his Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Tokyo, where he majored in space propulsion. While a graduate student, he was involved in a number of small satellite and spacecraft projects, including PROCYON, the world's first small deep space probe, AQT-D, a water propulsion demonstration satellite, and EQUULEUS, a micro deep space probe scheduled to be launched by a NASA SLS this year. He has received the University of Tokyo President's Award, the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences Best Presentation Award, the International Electric Propulsion Conference Best Paper Award, and the MIT Technology Review "Innovators Under 35 Japan 2020". After working as a project assistant professor at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, he founded Pale Blue Inc. in 2020 and became its president. His goal is to build a new mobility infrastructure in space by socially implementing a propulsion system for small satellites that uses water as a propellant.